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One of the several issues concerning the practice of the nursing profession is the amount of salary that every RN or LVN nurse earns in Texas. Fortunately, there is a high demand for the services of nurses in the state. The rates for their services depend on several factors. At this point, it is important to emphasize the fact that a lot of medical institutions prefer to hire an RN or LVN nurse who has complete standards. These employers are willing to pay a high amount of money as long as the employee possesses the essential skills required to get the nursing job done.

Bachelor’s Degree vs. Master’s Degree

It is so easy to see why a holder of a Master’s Degree in Nursing is more likely to earn more than someone with only a Bachelor’s Degree. The former is more equipped with skills, knowledge and expertise in providing nursing care. This nurse does not only know the basic information about the profession. She has acquired additional units that will make her stand out from the rest. At the same time, being a Master’s Degree holder allows her to focus on the various aspects of a career in nursing. As such, she gets to receive more work opportunities.

On the other hand, one who is a Bachelor’s Degree holder usually obtains jobs such as being a certified nurse anesthetist, clinical nurse specialist and certified nurse mid-wife. All these are excellent job positions in any hospital. However, those who perform such works do not really earn a high amount of income compared to someone with Master’s Degree.

General vs. Specified Nursing Area

After passing the nursing licensure examination, any person can already engage in the practice of the nursing profession. Once he does this, he is considered to have a career in the general nursing area. This means that he has not taken any specialization course for a particular field. For this reason, a general nurse cannot expect to receive a high salary from his practice. The reason behind this is that he only has limited skills compared to someone who has decided to specialize on at least one field.

Remember that there is a low number of nurses who are engaged into a selected field. There is a high demand for their services but only a few of them are available. Because of this, the value of their work has gone up. As such, professionals who focus in specified nursing area have more income compared to someone whose focus is only with the general overview of the profession.