You can always consider your nearest nurse attorney as your remaining light of hope just to secure your career. It’s because they help of a nurse attorney is excellent no matter what kind of case you might be facing at the moment as their expertise can guarantee a better line of defense for it. Rest assured that their excellence in assisting you is world-class as well.
At the time of the incident, the RN was employed as a Jail Nurse at a County Jail in Denton, Texas, and had been in that position for (6) years and eight (8) months.
On or about April 4, 2015, through June 21, 2015, the RN failed to complete a respiratory assessment, including lung auscultation of a patient, when the inmate documented on the admission TB screening form that she was having night sweats, fatigue, productive cough for longer than two (2) weeks, was coughing up blood, had a headache, was disorientated, and had confusion. The inmate was coughing and having difficulty breathing on June 27, 2015, and was sent to the hospital for treatment of pneumonia and kidney disease. The RN’s conduct was likely to injure the patient in that significant changes in the patient’s status may have gone Undetected and prevented a timely intervention.
In response to the incident, the RN states that when the inmate was booked on April 4, 2015, she denied any medical issues when asked by the officers and again on April 6, 2015, prior to administering the tier TB test. The RN explains that she read the TB test on April 8, 2015, and she had no reports of any cough or illness. The RN indicates that the inmate admitted to using crack cocaine for fifteen (15) years and that she had a history of Sweet’s Disease. The RN states that she never noted the inmate to be confused or disoriented, so assumed that the symptoms she reported on the TB screening only existed while she was smoking crack cocaine. The RN adds that although the inmate did write on the )“B screen that she was having night sweats, fatigue, productive cough for longer than two (2) weeks, was coughing up blood and had a headache, disorientation, and confusion, no staff or the seven (7) other inmates ever witnessed these symptoms. The RN relates that she told the inmate the.t if she felt sick, developed a rash, or a fever, she was to let them know. The RN states that the inmate didn’t report feeling ill till June 27, 2015. The RN asserts that if the inmate had made any reports of illness that she would have redone her vitals, oxygen saturation, and auscultated her lungs. The RN states that the inmate never reported having any history of kidney disease, but if she had disclosed it, she would have been seen by the jail doctor and treated.
The following incident and defense against the case caused the Texas Board of Nursing to place the RN and her license into disciplinary proceedings. She would have sought assistance from a good nurse attorney to provide clarifications towards the case.
If you’ve ever done any errors or misdemeanors outside or during your shift as an RN or LVN, and you wish to preserve your career and your license, an experienced nurse attorney is what you need. Nurse Attorney Yong J. An, an experienced nurse attorney for various licensing cases for 14 years, can assist you by contacting him at (832) 428-5679.