Being an RN/LVN is rewarding indeed, despite the exhaustion that nurses feel. Seeing a patient recover from illness or has been in relief after the treatment is indeed a priceless moment to all nursing practitioners. It is also unavoidable that a nurse commits mistakes while on duty. A single mistake for nurses could bring great harm to patients. If this happens, the Board has the jurisdiction for such matter. But remember that a nurse attorney can help you face the Board as your representative in court.
At the time of the incidents, the RN was employed as a Registered Nurse at a hospital in Wichita Falls, Texas, and had been in that position for six (6) months.
It was on or about February 13, 2019, the RN incorrectly infused an intravenous antibiotic to a Patient by attaching the line to the primary infusion of Levophed, which resulted in a bolus of Levophed being administered to the patient. Subsequently, the patient experienced atrial fibrillation with the rapid ventricular response and required administration of an antiarrhythmic medication to treat the abnormal heart rhythm. The RN’s conduct was likely to injure the patient from adverse effects of rapid infusion of a vasopressor medication, including rapid heart rate.
And on or about February 13, 2019, the RN failed to titrate Precedex as ordered to the patient. Specifically, the RN started the infusion at the ordered starting dose of 0.2 micrograms per kilogram, per hour. Two hours later the oncoming nurse arrived and noted that the dose had increased to 0.7 micrograms per kilogram, per hour. There was no documentation of the medication being titrated, as ordered. The Precedex order stated to titrate every thirty (30) minutes by 0.1 micrograms per kilogram, per hour to keep the patient’s Richmond-Agitation Sedation Score (RASS) between -2 and +1. The RN’s conduct exposed the patient to a risk of harm in that failure to administer medications as ordered by the physician could have resulted in the non- efficacious treatment of the patient’s condition.
In response to the incident, the RN states that he was not feeling well and started the antibiotic as a piggyback on a Levophed drip. The RN states that the antibiotic was started at the correct rate, but that this caused a bolus of the Levophed in the line. He also states that the incident was his fault for not removing himself from the care of this patient while he was unwell. In addition, the RN states that it took him and the attending Physician Assistant (PA) for forty-five (45) minutes to get the patient clothed and in bed. And he states that as soon as he could, he started the Precedex drip at the prescribed starting dose. The RN states that the PA then ordered him to advance to the maximum dose prescribed without titration. Lastly, he states that this was evidently not entered in the medical record by the PA as required.
The RN’s conduct had put her in a bad situation. She even failed to hire a nurse attorney during the time when she was given the right of legal counsel. The Texas BON had decided to put the RN in disciplinary action.
The RN could have received a different ending result if he had consulted and ask assistance from a nurse attorney. But he failed to hire a nurse attorney that has led to the decision of the Board.
Regarding a case or complaint filed on you, you should hire a nurse attorney immediately before it’s too late. Texas nurse attorney Yong J. An is one of those dedicated nurse lawyers who have helped various nurses in their cases since 2006. You may contact him 24/7 at (832) 428-5679 for more information or if you want to schedule a private consultation.