An experienced nurse attorney has surely helped a lot of RNs and LVNs when it comes to cases that may lead to disciplinary action. Unfortunately, not all nurses were able to hire a nurse attorney as they underwent such cases. This incident that an LVN committed on November 22, 2017, was one of those examples.
On or about November 22, 2017, while employed as a Correctional Licensed Vocational Nurse in Amarillo, the LVN failed to immediately refer a patient to the provider, as required by the facility’s protocol for burns because she determined that the patient had developed six (6) blisters on the top of his foot from a burn.
Instead, the LVN documented than an unspecified provider provided a verbal order for wound care, and she referred the patient to be seen by the provider for a routine appointment, seven (7) days later. When the provider evaluated the patient seven (7) days later, the provider determined that the patient had suffered a first top of his foot.
The LVN’s conduct was likely to injure the patient from complications of a possibly inadequately and/or improperly treated wound.
Because of this, a complaint was filed against the LVN.
The Texas Board of Nursing has full jurisdiction over all cases regarding errors committed by an RN or LVN. Thus, she was called by the Board to defend against the case.
In response to the incident, the LVN states it was an oversight in the documentation, but she did assess bipedal pulses, temperature, and capillary refill.
The following incident and defense against the case caused the Texas Board of Nursing to place the LVN and her license into disciplinary proceedings. She would have sought assistance from a good nurse attorney to provide clarifications towards the case.
If you’ve ever done any errors during your shift as an RN or LVN, and you wish to preserve your career and your license, an experienced nurse attorney is what you need. Nurse Attorney Yong J. An, an experienced nurse lawyer for various licensing cases for 16 years, can assist you by contacting him at (832) 428-5679.