Losing your license may greatly affect your future career, but only if you failed to hire a nurse attorney for the case. There are some RNs and LVNs who missed their chances to get their license saved from revocation just because they weren’t able to hire any nurse attorney to defend them. Unfortunately, this RN from El Paso, Texas happens to be one of them.
On or about February 15, 2015, a man died at a nursing facility in El Paso and a recently-filed a complaint that alleges that negligence led to the man’s wrongful death. The man was a resident at the nursing home and, according to the complaint, fell out of bed and broke his hip only two days into his residency. The complaint claims that the man had a history of falls and was found on the floor of another patient’s room. Allegedly, the RN placed the man in a wheel chair and took him back to his room where it was noticed he had a hip fracture.
The man was taken to a hospital where he died 16 days later, according to the complaint. According to the report, upon the man’s arrival at the nursing home, the RN said that an alarm would be placed on the man’s bed as well as alarmed floor mats next to the bed. The complaint accuses the RN of negligence and claim that the RN was aware of the man’s history of falls but did not appropriately care for the man.
Because of this, the RN was summoned by the RN. However, she failed to hire the best attorney that would defend her side.
Unfortunately, without the lack of an effective nurse attorney to defend her case, the Texas Board of Nursing decided to take disciplinary action against the RN.
Losing your LVN or RN license can compromise your career. However, a skilled nurse attorney can greatly help you in major cases such as this. For assistance regarding your nurse license case, it’s best to contact Nurse Attorney Yong J. An by contacting him at (832) 428-5679.