Facing any allegations of negligence may compromise your career and a Texas nurse attorney could provide you with the best help. If you have any valid reasons, you may refer to a nurse attorney to provide further defense against your case.
On or about December 2, 2016, through February 14, 2017, an RN was employed as a Registered Nurse at a hospital in Victoria, Texas, the RN misappropriated Hydromorphone and Morphine belonging to the facility or patients thereof or failed to take precautions to prevent such misappropriation, in that the RN admitted to misappropriating Hydromorphone and Morphine from the facility for personal use. The RN’s conduct was likely to defraud the facility and patients, thereof, of the cost of the medications, and is a violation of Chapter 481 (Controlled Substances Act) of the Texas Health and Safety Code.
On or about February 14, 2017, the RN engaged in the intemperate use of Hydromorphone, in that she produced a specimen for a for-cause drug screen as the result of her admission to misappropriating medication, which resulted in positive for Hydromorphone. The use of Hydromorphone by a Registered Nurse, while subject to call or duty could impair the nurse’s ability to recognize subtle signs, symptoms, or changes in a patient’s condition, and could impair the nurse’s ability to make rational, accurate, and appropriate assessments, judgments, and decisions regarding patient care, thereby placing a patient in potential danger.
The RN was given the chance to defend herself with all the explanations. However, without enough evidence to support her case and a nurse attorney to help her, she was disciplined by the Texas Board of Nursing.
Losing your LVN or RN license can compromise your career. However, a skilled nurse attorney can greatly help you in major cases such as this. For assistance regarding your nurse license case, it’s best to contact Nurse Attorney Yong J. An by contacting him at (832) 428-5679.