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A licensed nurse in Texas whether an RN or an LVN can and may be subjected to a disciplinary proceeding before the Texas Board of Nursing. Whenever an LVN or RN finds herself/himself in such a situation, he/she will need to find the best nurse attorney in the country. This is important, as it will be your only chance to protect your license. Otherwise, the Texas Board of Nursing (BON) may find you guilty of the administrative case or the accusation and the Board may order the suspension or revocation of your license.

At the time of the initial incident, an RN was employed as a Registered Nurse at a hospital in Little Elm, Texas, and had been in that position for approximately three (3) years.

On or about December 11, 2017, through February 20, 2018, while employed as a Registered Nurse the RN failed to submit skilled nursing notes and aide supervisory visit notes in a timely manner. The RN’s conduct deprived subsequent caregivers of accurate information which may be used to base their decisions for further care.

In response, the RN states documentation was not completed in a timely manner due to unforeseen circumstances with her elderly parents and her own health.

Subsequently, the RN will be facing disciplinary actions as a consequence of her conduct and for the violation(s) she committed. The Texas Board of Nursing has jurisdiction over this kind of matter.

However, the RN had failed to contact, consult and hire a nurse attorney for the case filed against her which is difficult to overcome alone without an expert’s help. Thus, it affected her career and her license as well.

If you are an RN or an LVN who is struggling with a case, you should hire a nurse attorney. For more details or for a confidential consultation regarding accusations, it’s best to contact an experienced nurse attorney. Nurse Attorney Yong J. An is an experienced nurse attorney which helped RNs and LVNs defend against several cases since 2006. You can call him at (832) 428-5679 to get started or to inquire for more information regarding nursing license case defenses.