When nurses are facing accusations from the BON due to their work, they will need a nurse attorney to defend their case. Take note that a nurse attorney can also defend a nurse’s license against accusations.
On or about September 9, 2020, while employed as an LVN at a hospital in Edinburg, Texas, LVN knowingly misled a patient when LVN stated to the patient that he administered as-needed intravenous (IV) Dilaudid and Phenergan for pain and nausea. Instead, LVN administered IV normal saline to the patient. LVN’s conduct was deceptive and exposed the patient to a risk of harm from untreated pain.
In response, LVN states that up until midnight, the patient’s orders were current, and he administered scheduled doses of Dilaudid and as-needed anxiolytics and anti-emetics. At 00:45, the patient requested pain medication, and LVN saw that the order had expired. LVN states that he offered him other pain medication, which he denied, as he only wanted IV Dilaudid. LVN states that he paged the on-call physician three times and did not receive a response and updated order until 03:00. LVN states that the patient called her every 3-5 minutes during this time asking about the status of his Dilaudid. LVN states that at 02:00, the patient called him again to ask if he had his Dilaudid and Phenergan, and regretfully, he said yes and administered a placebo. When the order was updated, he returned to the patient and administered a dose of Dilaudid around 03:30. LVN adds that he did not record this in the chart as he had seen more experienced nurses give placebos in the past and do the same thing.
The above actions constitute grounds for disciplinary action in accordance with Section 301.452(b)(10)&(13), Texas Occupations Code, and is a violation of 22 TEX. ADMIN. CODE §217.11(1)(A),(1)(B),(1)(C),(1)(D)&(1)(M) and 22 TEX. ADMIN. CODE §217.12(1)(A),(1)(B)&(6)(H).
The Texas Board of Nursing then subjected the LVN and his license into disciplinary action. The accusation would have been defended by an experienced and skilled Texas Nursing Law Attorney, had the LVN hired one. Hiring a Texas Nursing Law Attorney for defense is applicable for any kind of accusation laid against an RN or LVN.
For more details and to schedule a confidential consultation, you must approach one of the most experienced Texas Nursing Law Attorney, Yong J. An. He is an experienced nurse attorney who represented more than 300 nurse cases for RNs and LVNs for the past 16 years. You can call him at (832) 428-5679 to get started or to inquire for more information regarding nursing license case defenses.